The GEMSTONE University is the educational forum for members of the PanTerra D'Oro Private Society and Private Contract Association, which was established in 2001 and has continued thence forward to date. The concept of GEMSTONE was also formulated at the inception but was not able to be manifested until March 2013. The GEMSTONE University has been built to provide education, guidance and support for all members of our Society in their process of correcting their status and bringing their estates into solvency and honor. It is built and maintained by a dedicated team of researchers, technical designers, content developers, and many other skilled people, as a group effort for the benefit of our membership; it is the first building block in creating the GEMSTONE Global Media Alliance and Broadcasting Network for education, media, health, project and technology development, and much more. For a complete overview of this long term purpose and intent, have a look at our Master Plan released in October of 2015.